Where can I find a payroll calendar?
How can I add/change/delete supervisors?
Email José Escobar to submit supervisor adds, changes, and deletions.
Why does my student’s time card have an exception every pay period?
Check to make sure they are entering their in/out times correctly – this is the most common mistake. Start times must be in the very first “in” box, and end times must be in the very last “out” box. View the knowledgebase document for precise directions on entering time.
Can I hire a non-UW student?
Yes, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements:
- The individual must be enrolled for academic credit at an educational institution;
- The individual must be at least 16 years of age.
Also, non-UW System students are not eligible for the FICA exempt status and must have FICA withheld from their paychecks.
Please refer to the Student Hourly Employment Policy and the Student Hourly Eligibility Memo for more detail.