School of Education Financial Policies

Revised 2017

1. Vacancies – Faculty/Staff – excluding student assistants (TAs, PAs, RAs) and student hourlies: All FTE and associated salary funds will be returned to the central School fund when vacated. Departments/Units may make proposals to the Dean/designee to hire new/replacement positions. Positions will not be posted without the Dean/designee approval.

2. Faculty/Instructional Staff Course Release Policies: Each academic department should determine their course delivery baseline/capacity with the following assumptions:

  • Typically, Faculty teach 4 (3 credit) courses/year (6/year in Art)
  • Department chairs receive 2 course releases/year; 4 releases in Art
  • Department Chair instruction should be replaced
  • Instruction should be replaced for funded course releases (buy-outs)
  • Committee work and participating in regular department/campus activity is included in the service component of a Faculty member’s appointment: teaching, research, & service – extraordinary service can be compensated for in a manner other than course releases (temporary base adjustments – if funding is available, consideration in annual reviews for salary increases – meritorious service work)
  • Other course releases can be considered for other service work (e.g. Journal Editor) if funding is obtained to cover the instruction

3. Faculty/Instructional Staff Buy-Outs: Instruction should be replaced for funded course releases (buy-outs). Departments must seek approval from the Dean for the use of the funds. The funds should be used in the following order of priority:

  • Cover the department’s required savings (mortgage)
  • Cover course instruction
  • Proposed use to further the strategic direction of the department

4. Faculty Chairs and Professorships

  • A minimum of 50% of the annual income from a professorship or chair must be used to fund a portion of the faculty member’s base salary
  • 40% of the realized salary savings will be returned to the SoE

5. Fund 136 revenue producing activities and programs, and programs funded directly by UW–Madison or the UW System will be expected to fund their supplies and equipment and will not be part of the research overhead Fund 150 exercise.

6. Fund 136 revenue producing activities and programs will be assessed a 4% fee on the previous fiscal year’s expenditures to contribute to SoE central support services. The campus is currently assessing 5% on expenditures for fund 136 programs. The hosting department/unit is responsible for the 136 fund balance. If these projects develop a deficit, the department/unit must bring the fund into balance.

7. Fund 131, non-pooled tuition programs. 1/3 of the net revenue from these programs will go to the School of Education as overhead support; 2/3 of the net revenue will stay with the host department for their program expenses. The hosting department/unit will be responsible for the 131 fund balance. If these programs develop a deficit, the department/unit must bring the fund into balance. The campus will initiate a 10% assessment on the gross revenue for fund 131 programs in FY16.

8. Fund 131, non-pooled courses will be managed by Education Outreach & Partnerships (EOP) in 2015-16. 1/3 of the net revenue from these programs will go to EOP as overhead support; 2/3 of the net revenue will stay with the host department. EOP will be responsible for the 131 fund balance. If these programs develop a deficit, EOP must bring the fund into balance.

9. Research activity (including program or research assistants) must be funded by gifts/grants or dedicated research funds (including fund 135).

10. Faculty fellowships: In spring 2013, Dean Underwood committed to support faculty fellowships to ensure that the recipients receive their full UW base salary while in the fellowship.

11. Departments are Units are responsible for maintaining positive (or zero) balances in all of their funds at year end (June 30). Departments and Units will work with the Associate Dean for Administration to cover any deficit with alternate funds. Overages on salary allocations will incur the fringe charge the Campus assesses for overspend on 101 salary, 40%. Excess fund 101 balances at year-end will be returned to the School of Education and redistributed to support School of Education commitments, including the central campus assessments and network fees.

12. Editing Scholarly Journals at the UW–Madison School of Education-Adopted SoE APC March 2013. Editing academic journals is a major scholarly activity, involving the creation and dissemination of knowledge. The editing of such journals is a valued academic endeavor. Previously, support for this type of activity has been through ad hoc arrangements. The guidelines below have been developed to clarify the proposal process. Being asked to be primary editor of a journal is a significant accomplishment.

Guidelines for Support to Faculty Editing Scholarly Journals.

Support for full-time faculty members who are Editors of preeminent scholarly journals is available under the following conditions:

  • Before a request for support is submitted to the Graduate School, the department’s executive committee and Chair must endorse the proposal and affirm their commitment to offer funding.
  • Requests to the Graduate School for support to edit scholarly journals should be directed to your department’s Graduate School Divisional Associate Dean. (
  • Once approved by the Graduate School, requests for the funding match should then be submitted to the Dean. The request for funding should include:
    • A copy of the contract or agreement between the publisher of the journal and the Editor for the operation of the Editor’s office.
    • Demonstration of the support to be provided by the Editor’s Department and by the Graduate School.
  • The School of Education will match up to 50% of the UW–Madison’s Graduate School’s offer of support, if the faculty member’s department also commits to match 50% of the Graduate School’s funding. The funding model:
    • Graduate School         50%
    • School of Education   25%
    • Department                 25%