2020 Summer Hiring Guide


1. Pull together and verify all the relevant information you will need, we recommend the following:

  • Courses being offered and who will be teaching
  • Summer budget and funding information for your department
  • 2/9ths forms for 9 month (C-basis, academic) employees (planning on working and eligible to work this Summer)

2. Meet with or distribute the individual 2/9ths forms to the C-Basis employees to complete.

  • Tip: the more completely they fill this form out the easier it will be for you to complete the various steps of summer hiring.
  • They should complete the funding information, months working, and sign the form.

3. Have the department chair review the individual 2/9th forms and sign. Remember they also need to complete a 2/9th form if they are also working this summer, even if only working for one month as chair.

4. Attend a summer lab! Bring with you:

  • Summer budgets/funding information
  • Course MOUs (memorandum of understanding), included in an email from SoE summer coordinator
  • Signed 2/9ths forms
  • Questions
  • JEMS login information (unless you have it memorized)

5. Once teri engelke signs the 2/9ths form they will be scanned and uploaded to a Box Folder for record keeping that you have access to, either by you or teri. Enter information into JEMS Hire for processing to HRS. If there are FTE changes noted on the 9ths forms to the appt, please note in comments of JEMS Hire and enter a JEMS Job Change once hire is in HRS. If there are undocumented changes that are required and do not match original 9ths form, follow these steps:

  • Update the 2/9th form and email to teri, she will verify and sign the changes and uploaded the new/modified form to Box.
  • You will then submit a JEMS job change request form.
  • Verify the change has been made, after receiving the notification that the change has been made by checking HRS and also cypress payroll edit reports.